

Jayashankar district comprising of 11 mandals is bestowed with good climatic conditions, fertile soils coupled with abundant groundwater potential. This District is suitable for growing wide range of horticultural crops.In order to tap the potentiality of the district and to encourage the farmers towards diversification of crops, the action plan has been proposed for the overall development of the horticulture sector. The area under fruit crops in the district is 998 acres, a gradual increase in the area under fruit production is proposed. The area under vegetables grown in the district is 452 acres and there is a vast domestic demand for vegetables in the district which has to be met by doubling the  area under  different vegetable crops.

On floriculture front, farmers are encouraged to grow high value vegetables and ornamental flowers under Poly House cultivation system which for sure can increase the income levels of farmers by more than 5 folds. In order to increase the quantitative and qualitative production of various horticulture crops, the production process is supported by Micro Irrigation System.

All the components envisaged in the proposed action plan are to be supported by enhanced subsidy pattern so that more and more number of small, marginal SC and ST farmers can be brought under the folds of the schemes.

Roles and Responsibilities Of The Department:

  • To impart modern and technical knowledge to farmers for cultivating horticulture crops.
  • To encouraging the farmers for adaption of new technologies through training and exposure visits from neighbouring states or foreign  countries .
  • To promote export oriented horticulture produce.
  • To minimise the post harvest losses of Horticulture produce by adoption of better cold storage facilities.
  • To promotion of organic cultivation of fruits and vegetables.
  • To promote the precision farming through playhouse cultivation of exotic fruits ,vegetables  and flowers.
  • To provide genuine plant material for fruit crops cultivation.
  • To provide seed material for the cultivation of vegetables  and flowers
  • To increase the water use efficiency in the qualitative and quantitative production of horticulture crops through  micro irrigation.
  • To promote market led production of Horticulture
  • To facilitate the provision of  financial incentive (subsidy) schemes to the farmers

Schemes Available

  1. Rashtriya  Krishi  Vikas Yojana (RKVY)  — RKVY
  2. Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) —MIDH
  3. Micro Irrigation Project (MIP) —TSMIP

New Implementations in the district

    • Promotion of Sandalwood cultivation.
    • Promotion of oil palm cultivation.
    • Promotion of Bamboo cultivation.
    • Promotion of spices under mulching.

Helpline no: 18004252404